Great Awakening Tour City #26 Sanford, FL | Chet A Testimony

Worship Soundtracks from RMIRiverSong on Vimeo.

I spoke to 19 people.5 are saved, 5 were not interested and 9 prayed with me. 2 young black man, Pito is a young Hispanic with a woman and 3 kids. The woman walked away and Pito stayed to pray-he is kinda dressed street kid with tattoos, but he was very interested. Andrews was walking with a friend got spirit up-he told me he is going to heaven because he is a good person and goer to church. After we prayed, he found his friend who had just finished praying with another harvester.Not sure if they were going to heaven. Catholic lady- has had many opportunities to receive Christ and hadn’t received Christ until today.


Chet A
Sanford Florida United States